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Gilbert Arenas and WNBA

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Gilbert Arenas is a point guard for the Washington Wizards of the National Basketball Association. He averaged 29 ppg, two steals, 6.1 assists and a game of basketball during the 2005-06 NBA year. He was initially not chosen for the 2006 All-Star Game but was later selected as the replacement of Jermaine O’Neal, who was in serious injury. He finished second in Three-point Shootout, behind Dirk Nowitzki. He also helped the Wizards win Eastern Conference fifth seed.

gilbert arenas

Gilbert Arenas ignorant comments regarding women basketball have been condemned by the WNBA. The league has now issued a response. Gilbert's remarks are described in the statement by the WNBA as ignorant, disrespectful and completely untrue.

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Sexist comments

Gilbert Arenas' sexist comments regarding WNBA players have been criticized. He has not publicly apologized, but many female athletes have been critical of his comments. Many of the WNBA's most prominent players were not pleased with his remarks, calling them sexist and offensive. Arenas also has plenty free time.


Gilbert Arenas' comments have been called racist and sexist. The WNBA, which is a league made up of players from various ethnicities and many of whom are black, is a league. But Arenas' post, which included a video featuring white women in thongs, exacerbated tensions within the black community. Arenas' video, which also refers to lesbians or homophobia, is said to be racist.

Social media rant

Gilbert Arenas was criticized for his racist comments made on social media. The NBA player compared WNBA stars to oranges and insulted them. He posted the video on Instagram and has been receiving backlash for his comments.


Gilbert Arenas was sentenced in the aftermath of his gun incident. The Wizards came in last place for their second consecutive year after this incident. Arenas, who previously participated in publicity stunts, was convicted on charges of bringing an assault rifle into the locker rooms. Arenas was sentenced and the team has not yet addressed Arenas' future. The team's owners released a statement regarding the matter.

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The impact of rants on the WNBA

Gilbert Arenas' Instagram rant caused outrage from critics as well as fans. The former point guard has been accused of insulting the female players by urging them to wear revealing uniforms. His use of language, and the context in his delivery further exposed his deep hatred for the WNBA. Arenas' rant may have had a dramatic improvement in the WNBA's performance, but the effect of his remarks is still felt.


Gilbert Arenas and WNBA